If you’re a business in the South West and are looking to grow, improve, and refine your online experience then we’ve got the perfect event for you.
Located in Bristol, this one-day event brings together some of the brightest minds in the region, giving business owners the chance to learn from their knowledge, insights, and success stories. Listen to their talks, meet likeminded business owners, and learn how to maximise the potential of your business online.
The event, called eCommerce South West, was first held in 2013 and offers free tickets to business owners across the region. It runs from 9am to 4.30pm and includes talks from speakers such as Matt Curry, head of eCommerce at Lovehoney, and Lukasz Zelezny, head of organic acquisition at uSwitch.com.
There will also be a host of exhibitors, including AdWords specialists from Google, Trustpilot and PCA Predict.
To register for your free ticket, visit the eCommerce South West site here.