If you are thinking about making a zebra crossing accident claim these are the legal issues you will need to consider. For a free assessment of your claim give us a call or send us an email.
What is a zebra crossing?
The zebra crossing will be familiar to us all with its distinctive broad white stripes painted onto the road and two sets of flashing ‘Belisha’ beacons (named after the politician who introduced them in the 1930s). We also have Pelican crossings (controlled by traffic lights) and the less well known Puffin crossings (sensor controlled traffic lights).
Zebra crossings, like all pedestrian crossings are designated places for people to cross a road in safety. They are designed to allow traffic sufficient time to see you and to stop before you start crossing the road and drivers are required to observe additional safety rules when dealing with zebra crossings.
Zebra crossings and the Highway Code
the Highway Code has special rules for zebra crossings.
Firstly, zebra crossings should always be kept clear. They should not be obstructed by queuing traffic and definitely not used for parking.
Nor should drivers overtake any moving vehicle nearest the crossing or any vehicle which has stopped to give way to pedestrians.
The Highway Code also states that drivers must take extra care where the view of either side of the crossing is blocked by queuing traffic or incorrectly parked vehicles, as pedestrians may be crossing between stationary vehicles.
Pedestrians should be given plenty of time to cross and should not be harassed by drivers revving their engines or edging forward.
As a driver approaches a zebra crossing they should be looking out for pedestrians waiting to cross the road and be ready to slow down or stop to let them cross.
And if a pedestrian has moved onto the crossing drivers must give way and allow them to cross.
Although we commonly see drivers wave to pedestrians to invite them to cross the road this practice is specifically prohibited in the Highway Code as it could be dangerous if another vehicle is approaching.
The Highway Code therefore places a very high duty of care on drivers where zebra crossings are concerned.
Zebra crossing accident claims
Despite the safety requirements that are in place accidents on zebra crossings accidents still occur. Hundreds of pedestrians are killed on zebra crossings each year and many more are seriously injured.
In most cases the driver is found to be legally liable for the accident.
If you suffer injury as a pedestrian and wish to make a zebra crossing claim then it is important to speak to solicitors (not an unqualified claims company) who are specialists in road accident compensation claims. They will be able to establish the best and most convincing legal basis for the compensation claim.
Our lawyers will also liaise with the police if they were called to the scene of the accident and will obtain a formal police report which could contain crucial evidence that can be used in the zebra crossing accident claim.
Even if you were partly at fault yourself for not using the zebra crossing properly it is still likely that we will be able to recover compensation for you. Courts will often hold both parties responsible for an accident and if this happens it is simply the amount of compensation that is reduced. Our lawyers are experts in cases where ‘contributory negligence’ is alleged against a pedestrian and will fight to ensure that you receive the maximum compensation you are entitled to.
Remember, compensation is paid not only for the physical and psychological injuries you suffer, but also your financial losses such as lost earnings or the cost of medical treatment.
How we can help with your zebra crossing accident claim
We work on a No Win, No Fee basis, so you have nothing to lose by making a claim. Call our free legal helpline on for an assessment of your zebra crossing accident claim, or contact us by email at info@sbclaims.co.uk